1000 Books Before Kindergarten

Read 1000 books to your child before they reach kindergarten. If you read at least one book every day to your newborn or toddler, you will reach 1,095 books in three years. The key to this program is perseverance. To celebrate the reading milestones, Columbia Public Library’s Friends of the Library has small rewards for the children.

      1. Choose how you want to track the books read:
      2. READsquared Online Reading Log – Register with READsquared to track books online or through the app on your mobile device.  
      3. Paper Reading Log –  Register at the library and receive a Welcome packet with the program instructions, literacy tips, and paper log for the first 100 books.
      4. Every book counts! When children hear an entire book read by friends, family, teachers, or even in library storytime parents can track it in their reading log. 
      5. Children will earn rewards thoughout the program as they meet their reading milestones!

For every 100 books read, each child can receive a special sticker at the front desk for reaching their goals. Children will also recieve a prize when they achieve the 200, 300, 700, and 1000 book milestones!


**For every child that reads 200 books thoughout the year.
