It is the Library’s mission to make available a wide variety of media for educational, informational and leisure-time pursuits. Toward this end, the Library offers Internet access. The use of the Library’s Internet is a privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in cancellation of those privileges.
INTERNET CONTENT WARNING: The majority of the information and data obtained on the Internet is generated outside the library. It is therefore impossible for the library to control, restrict or prevent access to controversial materials. Each parent/guardian is responsible for conveying the standards that their child or ward should follow. By giving permission to use the Internet, a parent/guardian accepts full responsibility for their minor’s actions and acknowledges that there is information on the network they may not otherwise want available to their minor.
Violations of these policies may result in the loss of privileges and/or appropriate legal action. Furthermore, the user agrees to indemnify the Library for any losses, costs or damages, including reasonable attorney fees, incurred by the Library relating to, or arising out of any violations of these policies.
Minor Internet Waiver Form (Children under age 18)
Internet Usage Policy – Passed 09/09/97, Revised 05/01/13